Abodo Wood

HOUSE CARE / Benefits of Re-coating Exterior Timber

Re-coating exterior timber is crucial for preserving its beauty and extending its lifespan.

Once exterior cladding and screening is given an annual wash, the next step in maintaining its beauty and longevity is re-coating it.

Coating Abodo timber with our Protector water borne stain offers several key benefits. It helps preserve and enhance the colour for longer, reduces surface cracking, improves stability by minimising expansion and contraction, and ultimately extends the lifespan of the timber.

Coating Maintenance Assessment

Making a coating maintenance assessment every two summers and planning a re-coat into your house care routine enhances the lasting beauty of your exterior timber and ensures its longevity, keeping your home well-protected to enjoy for years.

Pahi House Vulcan Cladding Abodo Wood 3

Normal things you can expect with Abodo weatherboards and screening :

  • Fading/change in colour over time with exposure to the weather
  • The wood will begin to go grey after about 24 months of exposure to the weather if it is not re-coated
  • Exterior timber in north facing (southern hemisphere) or south facing (northern hemisphere) or heavy weather-exposed aspects to fade and age quicker than timber located in other aspects
  • Vulcan timber is subject to movement. While our patented vertical grain stabilises the timber significantly, it will still move and can experience superficial checking or cracks at the surface. Highly exposed walls finished in dark colours are more likely to see minor movement.

When is it Time to Re-apply Protector Coating?

Over time, penetrating coatings like Abodo Protector will tend to weather away and start fading, at which point they need to be re-coated – typically between two to four years, depending on exposure to the weather. The easiest way to assess whether a re-coat is required is to wet the coated timber, and check whether it is still “beading”, or in other words if it is resisting water. If the coating is still beading, it is still effective.

Applying a Re-coat

Follow these four simple steps to re-coat:

  1. Wash down and allow to dry
  2. Shake the Protector container well to ensure dispersion of pigment
  3. Coat thinly and evenly, avoiding lap marks and ensuring that grooves are filled
  4. Wipe excess oil off, before it dries

For detailed care information on Abodo timbers and coatings, read our comprehensive maintenance guide.

Watch our four-step instructional video on the re-application of Protector on Abodo weatherboards for maintenance coats.